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The Order of Oddfish


The Order of Odd-Fish Teacher’s Guide

This teacher’s guide to The Order of Odd-Fish is a resource of discussion questions, lesson plans, and projects. With this 44-page guide, you and your students will not only achieve a better understanding of Odd-Fish, but a deeper enjoyment.

The guide is also a gateway to many other fascinating fields of study! The knights of the Odd-Fish are, after all, scholars as well as warriors. This curriculum touches on topics as disparate as cockroach anatomy, Hindu mythology, philosophy, history, religious festivals, etymology, mathematics, and more!

Bonus: The guide features Odd-Fish fan art by enthusiastic readers. This art was featured in a Odd-Fish fan art gallery show in Chicago in April 2010.

Download the guide for free here. While you’re at it, consider inviting James Kennedy to visit your school while your students are reading Odd-Fish, either in person or by Skype. He guarantees a raucous visit! Check out this video of his Dome of Doom writing workshop, in which students invent mythological gods, dress up in costume, and exchange baroque, ludicrous insults before battle-dancing to insane fighting music. This is an author visit they’ll never forget.

The Order of Odd-Fish is available in hardcover and paperback.