The Art of The Order of Odd-Fish: Videos
A group of super-talented people took the first chapter of The Order of Odd-Fish and recorded it as an audio drama, complete with sound effects, music, narrator, different actors for all the parts, everything! I was floored by how good it was. Such engaged and committed performances! The sound and music and editing were so well-done! The person behind this is Kirsten, a voice actor and writer (you can follow her on Tumblr at for more voice acting, plus updates and casting calls for Order of Odd-Fish and other projects). Full post about it here.
This next one is a video by my old friends Chloe Levine, Joy, and Amanda at Brooklyn Friends School. It’s rather epic at almost nine minutes. It reminds me of movies-based-on-books I made in high school. (Actually, it’s better. I’ll always remember when we tried to make a Beowulf-by-way-of-Kids in the Hall epic, and only after the shooting was done did we realize the camera got held in a different orientation for almost every shot: some shots were upside-down, others were tilted ninety degrees to the left, others tilted to the right . . . )
This is better! It’s an appreciation of The Order of Odd-Fish done in the style of a TV talk show. We get to meet Lily Larouche, Oona Looch, the All-Devouring Mother, Sefino (complete with antennae and monocle), and Ethelred the ostrich (played by a bunch of feather dusters who bursts into singing Justin Bieber, and turns into a girl dancing with a dust mop for about a minute or so . . . ). There’s an intriguing flirtatiousness between the host of the show and Lily Larouche. There’s a commercial for Ken Kiang’s villainous services and for Oona Looch’s place (“We’ll give you soup and beverages. Yah! Boy! Another drink? Yeah so, we’ll give you soup sometimes … You’re family at Oona Looch’s until we kill you”). I enjoyed it. Thanks, Brooklyn Friends School!
By Pirka, The best ideas are the ones that, when you hear them, you think, “Of course!” Please, please do yourself a favor and watch the above video—an ANIMATED SHORT in which Pirka has the knights of The Order of Odd-Fish sing and dance to the song “Knights of the Round Table” from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! There’s so much to love here: the cockroach band; Korsakov, Lily, and Sir Oliver belting out the chorus; making the ostriches squawk on cue; and the Ken Kiang solo! The squires’ high-kicking line! I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS. Thank you so much for this amazing animation, Pirka!
Lily Larouche Rap:
Lily Larouche was a famous movie star
She vacationed in Tahiti or on the Côte d’Ivoire
She was the tabloids’ favorite, caused a rumor a week
But Miss Larouche’s style was always quite unique.
She got busted twice for reckless hot air ballooning
But she didn’t mind; no, she found it quite amusing
The President Dwight Eisenhower loved her from afar
One quiet Christmas Eve, he sent his eyebrows in a jar!
Then suddenly the great Larouche was gone, right off the map
This vanishing was big, it left the tabloids in a flap
They swore, “We won’t forget her!” but as the years wore on
Detectives and search parties had naught to build upon
Her memory just faded from everybody’s mind
Until, forty years later, Lily awoke to find
She was in her Ruby Palace (her giant crimson home)
The sobs of a small baby said she wasn’t alone
She followed to the laundry room where she was shocked to see
A baby in her washer, pinned to the cloth a plea:
Please take care of Jo, but beware: DANGEROUS baby!
Lily thought the unknown note-writer to be crazy
For Jo seemed just as dangerous as a glass of milk
But Lily, she got older, lost her grip, wore gowns of silk
That she used to use in movies she filmed in days of glory
And little Jo grew older – well, that’s another story!
Georgia’s Fish:
Very polite war: Take a gander at the above video by Freya & Theo, Georgia, August, & Frankie, and the notorious Arne, in which they hilariously dramatize the beginning of the Very Polite War between the Vondorians and Snoosnids from The Order of Odd-Fish. I. Love. This. LOVE. Thank you!
It’s by Swisidniak of DeviantArt, and it’s a doozy: a 6-frame animated .gif of the giant fish vomiting the Odd-Fish lodge. Amazing work! I especially love the queasy look the fish gets before he hurls, and how the the stomach goo coats the “lens” of the “camera.” If we ever have another Odd-Fish art show (and I’d like to), this should definitely be in it, playing on a loop on a monitor!