November 5, 2010
Hey, I’ll be chatting with the fine folks at Eve’s Fan Garden at 9 pm on Tuesday, November 9 at 6 pm PST (9 pm EST)!
Ah, Halloween! (Yes, I’m posting about it late. I’ve been fuddled with a cold for most of this week.) Above are the pumpkins I carved with Heather and our friends Margaret and Tony in South Bend last week.
This year’s Halloween was not as raucous as Halloweens of years past, when Heather and I used to throw elaborate costume parties, like the Sultan’s Envenomed Garden of 2008, or the Chinese Underwater Ghost Ocean of 2007. Having a baby does that. But my friend Megin more than picked up the slack with her “COOGER AND DARK’S FABULOUS CARNIVAL AND PANDEMONIUM SHADOW SHOW,” although unfortunately (fortunately?) I have no pictures to share.
I do, however, have a video of Lucy roaring with evil laughter. Or at least, we’re trying to teach her.
I was also in South Bend for the week leading up to Halloween, speaking at various schools: La Salle Intermediate, Jackson Intermediate, and Wilson Primary Center. I had a great time, and I think the students did too. Thanks, Julie Nave and the Notre Dame bookstore, for setting up all those visits!
I’ll leave you with this: Lucy dressed as a ladybug: